UU Chalice. The New UU Chalice Home Page.

Here is a link to our former Unitarian -- Universalist Church: The First Universalist Church of Yarmouth, Maine.

This is a great affirmation, however, I am not living up to it anymore. I must admit that I am not very good at respecting differences of opinion.
In fact, I am terrible at it. I am not measuring up to this very high standard at all.

Here is one of my favorite and most relevant teachings:

Very very true. I had an imagination. I worshipped there. There were consequences. I became what I became, and I am still recovering.
Oh well, it was my life.

Here is the church's Mission Statement:

Lastly, In Regards to An Old Old Personal Matter:

In 2004, I left the church for the summer because of their desire to gut the historic antique church pews.
Because of my emotional overload about that issue, I had decided to switch rather than to fight.
Not my style, but I was against the minister and the choir on this issue. I was not a happy camper.
In 2005, I returned to the church because of the richness of the community and their decision not to gut the pews.

Now, in 2006, they have voted to restore the steeple. So be it. My question: Does this act amend the mission statement or is it in conformity with the mission statement? I have asked this question because of the high cost of the steeple renovation. However, I remain silenced by the vote. This is not an emotional issue for myself. I, too, would appreciate restoration of the steeple. Please go to their web page to see for yourself.

It should be noted that the steeple has been restored and it is beautiful!

Courtesy links: Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. Support Peace Action! Peace Action Maine

Site directory:
Here on this web site, there are still just a few for-sale item subdirectories and image files. We used to sell on eBay.
Note: Because of the web site's destruction by America Online, these links to pictures have been deactivated.
But I have found the photos and I may upload them and correct these links.
    On the /newyork/ subdirectory:
  1. Old "Supervue" Map of Manhattan. Four scans digitally stitched together.
  2. Old "Supervue" Map of Manhattan Cover Panel.
  3. Old "Supervue" Map of Manhattan Hotel Pictures.
    Unfortunately, we sold this map many months ago.
  4. New link page to railroad engine pictures and another eBay sale item.
This new index web home page should make Google's search engine directory happy.

Exit link to Nation's Attic Used Books eStore and eGallery.
Exit link to Westcustogo River History.

Update activity log:
index.html file created and uploaded March 10, 2004. Exit Links added March 11, 2004.
Chalice image and donated political advertising added March 14 & 15, 2004.
Political links corrected and church link added August 15, 2004.
Railroad.htm link and page added August 21, 2004.
Cost of the War in Iraq counter added August 25, 2004.
Donated political web links moved and corrected December 20, 2004.
UU Unison Affirmation and Peace Action and UUSC courtesy links added March 13, 2005.
In house labor donated.
Web page updated and revised March 13, & April 3, 2005 and January 15, 2017.
"A Person Will Worship Something." added and church link updated February 20, 2006.
Format order revised and Mission Statement added September 27, 2006.
My own hypocrisy disclaimers and "rettop.gif" button added December 25, 2007.
Web page destroyed by America Online October 31, 2008.
Web pages salvaged, edited and revised. January 25, 2009.
"/uuchalice" subdirectory and contents downloaded to this computer September 24, 2012.
Links to and ".art" files changed to ".bmp" files for courtesy links September 24, 2012..
Embedded "" Java script code for counter September 24, 2012.
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