
The Westcustogo Home Page.

A History Page for the Royall River area of Maine.
Formerly known by the Native American name Westcustogo.

Disclaimer: This site is not affiliated with the restaurant, the inn, or the hall of the same name.

This was the former "welcome.html" page on America Online for AOL user, "Westcustogo."

    Subdirectories and other links:
  1. Old 1863 chart of Westcustogo and Acoucisco. Maps courtesy of Nation's Attic Used Books eStore "http://www.dredgings.com".

  2. Old 1892 map of Westcustogo and Acoucisco. Note: Royall Junction has replaced Cumberland Junction for the Maine Central Railroad "back road"around 1912. Also, US Route 1 (now Maine Route 88) has replaced Pleasant Street around 1928.
  3. Click to view the former Yarmouth (Maine) Land Trust Former Yarmouth Land Trust Yahoo Group site. closed Yahoo! group site. The organization has become part of the Royal River Conservation Trust. And Yahoo.com doesn't seem to work.

  4. Exit link to affiliate Nation's Attic Used Books eStore.
Other links continued:


More courtesy links: Support Peace Action! Peace Action Maine. Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. The Sandhill Crane Poems.
Yarmouth Land Trust link added December 2, 2004. Peace-Action.org and UUSC.org links added February 22, 2005. Peace Action Maine.org link added March 12, 2005. The Sandhill Crane Poems link added April 5, 2005. The entire web site was deleted by America Online from America Online on or about October 31, 2008. Webmaster's hard drive lost Winter, 2009. Copy of site files finally downloaded September 21, 2012. ".art" image files and links changed to ".bmp" files September 21, 2012.
We appreciate being added to the site of our newest host: "www.westcustogo.com" on January 15, 2017.

Return Return to our host's home page. to our host's home page. Site revised January 25, 2009 and links tested and welcome page revised September 21, 2012 and January 15, 2017.

Web page updated using web thing Arachnophilia 4.0.
